Rock Climbing

April 2, 2022 5:00 - 9:00pm  |  Wilmington Rock Gym

Wilmington Rock Gym, Market Street, Wilmington, NC, USA

You’ve earned it! so let’s go rock climbing! ThisĀ incentive trip is to the Wilmington Rock Gym Saturday, April 2, 2022. Our climb time is 6-8 pm. If you have earned 25 stars, you get to go for free. If you haven’t earned enough stars but would still like to go, the cost will be $21.00. This covers the cost to climb, the needed gear, and staff members to belay us. We will meet at the church at 5 pm so we can be there by 6. Anyone going, even spectators, MUSTĀ fill out a waiver before we go!!! Click the link below to sign the waiver.