Well friends, I have come to the end of my journey as the pastor of Salem Baptist Church. It’s been a very challenging year of ministry, and I have sought the Lord’s guidance in this decision. After much prayer and counsel with the Lord, I have made the decision to retire as pastor of Salem Baptist Church. God has really blessed during the last 4 and a half years, but my time here has come to a close. God has some great things planned for the future of Salem Baptist Church, and I pray that everyone will work together for good as there continues to be much work to be done. Know that I will continue to pray for you, and I will miss you all dearly. May God bless you as you seek His will and live for His glory.
Your brother in Christ,
Preacher Danny
Monthly Update
Wow. 2023 has been a year of growth for Salem Baptist Church. We've seen God grow us spiritually and numerically. God has provided several teachers to step forward and lead small groups, and they are increasing in knowledge and love. We've seen our Sunday School classes growing, as God is sending more and more to learn about Jesus and what He desires for our lives. And, we've seen our ministries growing. People are stepping into roles as the Holy Spirit leads, and we're touching more lives with the Gospel. Since my last update, we've called an Associate Pastor, Will Argenbright, and God is blessing through his ministry here. We've also called a new Children's Ministry Director, Jessica Hamm, and God is continuing to grow our Children's ministry. We just hired a new Financial Secretary too, Mrs. Delia Mittermier, as our current Financial Secretary, Judy Stokes is retiring from that position after many years. God is providing for every need.
We joined with several area churches for a Community Tent Revival in April. Pastor Steven Cox brought messages each night that both challenged and awakened us to our need for Jesus and His healing and salvation. We had a booth at the Annual Shrimp Festival this year, and were able to interact with many people. We also had a tent area in the Celebration of Light at a sister church, and spoke with many about their faith. As always, we gave out a lot of materials about Jesus, and pray that God will use them to open the eyes of the blind and bring them to a saving knowledge of Jesus as Lord.
We've also seen some struggles. We've had some of our members to go home to be with the Lord, and we've seen the devil work to try to bring in disunity and turmoil. As always, we've spent much time in prayer and seeking God's face. Each time, God has brought us through, and given us direction and blessings, as we focus on Jesus and following where He leads. He is surely our Rock and our Redeemer, and He blesses those who call upon Him.
At this time, we are entering the Advent Season, and we will focus on the blessing of Jesus's coming into the world as our Savior and Redeemer. I pray that you will come and worship with us, as we celebrate what God is doing among us. All praise to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who loves us and gave Himself as an offering to pay for our sins. God bless you. Hope to see you soon.
Pastor Danny McLamb