Join Us For Service
Every Sunday at 11:00 AM
A Sneak Peak To Sunday Services
A typical 11am Sunday worship service includes:
Through the singing of hymns and Christian songs
We incorporate several times of prayer during each service. We also have a special time when prayer requests are written and brought to the altar table. These are taken to a prayer room where prayer warriors intercede for these requests. The cards are then given to the pastor for intercession and prayer, and are then shredded.
The pastor’s wife or another children’s leader will call all children, who want to come up front, and lead them in a short story tied to a Scripture verse or the day’s message. The children then return to their parents for the remainder of the service.
Usually sung by someone, or a group of musicians, for the praise of our Lord Jesus and the uplifting of the spirits of the attenders to prepare God’s people for the message they are about to receive.
There is a sermon of expository style, that is preached on a passage of Scripture, intended to encourage salvation, repentance, and godly living by the congregation of members and attenders alike.
This is a time for anyone to respond to the sermon and come forward for salvation, repentance or prayer, or to request membership in the church.
This is a time when the ushers come forward, and after a prayer for thanksgiving and praise. They then go to either side of the church and to the front entrance to receive the offerings, given for the Lord’s work, as congregants exit the church, so that now one has to handle the plates after another person.
Sunday School Classes
Sunday School starts every Sunday at 9:45AM

Elementary Classes
Grades 1-5 meeting in Classroom # 6

Middle School & High School Classes
Both are held in the Bishop Building, located behind the church.

Young Adults Classes
“Joy Class”- Classroom # 4

Adults Classes
“Praise Class” – Fellowship Hall

Senior Adult Classes #1
Fellowship Class – Classroom # 14

Senior Adult Classes #2
Faithful Class – Classroom # 19